Customized Health Alerts and Consumer-Centered Interfaces for ADRD Patients and Family

Sensing technologies hold enormous potential for detecting and tracking health changes that can dramatically affect the aging experience. Embedded health assessment can improve management of chronic or acute conditions, and thus, improve quality of life. Problems in chronic disease management are often the cause of losing independence for aging Americans.

Technology to Automatically Detect Falls and Assess Fall Risk in Senior Housing

Building on our current work, we propose to validate and deploy an innovative technological approach that automatically detects when falls have occurred or when the risk of falls is increasing. Subjects will not have to press buttons, pull cords or wear any devices. This new “passive” approach using sensors in the home could revolutionize detecting and preventing falls as well as measuring fall risk.

Active Heterogeneous Sensing for Fall Detection and Fall Risk Assessment

We leverage ongoing research at a unique local eldercare facility (TigerPlace) to study active sensing and fusion using vision and acoustic sensors for the continuous assessment of a resident’s risk of falling as well as the reliable detection of falls in the home environment. The project investigates the interplay between fall detection and fall risk assessment.